Friday, December 23, 2011

Democracy  Vs  Communism

 Democracy is a progressive evolutionary process.
As such , there is no 100 percent Democratic govt, in the World.
Otherwise, democracy is the highest form of scocio-political Institution where, every one or social unit have full control on his or its moral values and executes it without ,even, the fear of law or Police. 
G.B.S  rightly said  that people are law-abiding , -so long there is police(with a gun).
In True democracy , one disciplines him-self or herself , even without Police or I.P.C.

Also Communism is the highest form of INDUCED  Scocio-economic Structure ( forced from outside,-unlike democratic spirit).
In true Communism , the system endeavours to make every one make equally self-sufficient and solvent ( not equally poor).
Up till now there is no ideal communist -type Govt,any where on the Globe.There are only socialistic types,here and there.

Friday, November 25, 2011

That  out of all  happenings in BHARAT ( I don't  like the Greek slang    word -"INDIA), --
1. Our President was  , happily, a shikh !
II. Our Prime Minister , now is  a shikh !
iii, Our Planning Commission Deputy  is a shikh !
IV. And the  first 'Angry youth 'Vigilante' to  dare and declare his stand, what ever the 'group or  majority opinion  is;--is also a shikh!

This is only an observation without inference .

Sunday, November 20, 2011

To me, Einstein's Frame of  Reference' is more REAL and   REVEALING to me  than even his "Constancy of Speed of  Light'. Frame of REFERENCE seems  more practical  necessity  when we  start or carry on  ,even a dialogue  on any ISSUE. Otherwise  things and Words , all  will fly erratic.
My Professor of  Anatomy (1949-50) whom still think as the  best speaker/ Lecturer , I have ever met,  told  us in a lecture ' " Common sense ' is the rarest Sense and is not really so common as we l think".

Later in  life  , I found that  it was  realy  EINSTEIN  who proved ,even that, practically  by  trying to RIDE a  Ray of Light at Light-Speed" and solved so many problems of SCIENCE  without entering even a Laboratory or  scribbling on packs of  papers/sheets'

Common -Sense  is , oftener, so rare even in GREAT  SCIENTISTS !

I read in Young -life in a SCIENCE  BOOK , that a Great  Scientist , who loved  Birds , was in a fix  to know  how to make a Small door for his   little bird in the same cage after he finished the door for his bigger bird.
Of course, even Einstein  did not know , once , --how to find out his own House  ! And his  neighbor must have  teased him, then. for his lack of Commonsense .
Yet the living  zones of  Geniuses are different 'space' on this Word !

Friday, October 7, 2011


SEX is a Must for every healthy iving [ unless one is born through Re-incarnation from supra-CONSCIOUS Level)
Yet, i Sexs is not LOVE in true sense . It is Water (Jeevan) , essential ingredients , even to transcend it.
You can not leave the school with out passing through all the classes with success and not by being a 'Drpo- out'.
Yet certain drop outs like STEVE JOB & BILL Gates don't need school. Exceptions are never the 'RULE'.
MISTAKES are also essential factors for SUCCESS. One who never is ready to commit mistakes, will never succeed in any -thing.
"Failures are the PILLARS of SUCCESS" ___ S. VIVEKANANDA
LOVE IS NOT AN ACTION BUT A QUANTUM VIBRATION WITHIN . (Planck's Law) and a receptive feeling.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


No ,--I shall not forget
No ! - I can not forget
who-ever the Leader or if,even,-Gandhi he was
Or , which evever EMPIRE was in the game
For -how can I Forget
How my mother-land BENGAL was teared into TWO
Like JARASANDHA (of Epic -fame) !
and the CUT-SIZE Orphan, Refugee -Boy
is now standing FIRM and shouting hoarse !

Even thety Removed the 'BERLIN-WALL'
and repaired all their WARRING WOUND S !
The guilty Nations are enjoying TIME
while I am the victim of the POLITICAL SHREUDS

No ! SIR,
I now know my GENETIC RIGHT
and do cry out my pentup rage
though, am now ready for the FINAL CALL
OR my DATH that's -- whichever Way
its suits your choice '!
(oct. 7, 2011)


On repeatation, they say//even the best thing become worn-out or stale
yes, I am tired of -hyper dose of Tagore songs ,/ /these days forcefully fed-morning ,day, evening , mid-night!//The effect?//Like cracked record of ABBASUDDIN //my child -hood days//And now the high-tech Media -dose//or Festival- Contracts of myriad names!//Even between best meals , one need some Fasting respite//and ,-that's impossible , these days//Even the partial-deaf are tossing foe escape//and if can wish://God should not have allowed this EMF -bless//to burst poor Ear-drums , in the name//of MUSICAL ART !


It was a rural -remote village life/was a mere boy,-far away from exciting modern way of living/It was a lush green rural back-drop setting/ happily growing . -without needing anything beyond Nature'gift.

Suddenly a a ightnig STAB/or a severing SWORD/ spraying blood all - beyond/ and I was told / that my Mother-land / was torn off into TWO / and I was 'stamp'-ed -- a REFUGEE BOY/ and despatched to a CITY- LIFE /with nothing other than FATE !

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Between two World- Wars -Born

Craddled on

Mother-land's fractured bi-sec ted Lap

Grew up through the Cold-War Chill

with repeated threats of Global Nuclear pyre

and promise of Hunger, famine and death

with FRAME OF Reference of ECONOMIC BOON

and Contagious Infective World- of Hatred

and suffocating Ecologic death and what more --

Millions of hungry Cries,

with starving abundance of lives deprived

had been the expanding field awareness

of my UN-certain LIFE

And -------

I am still alive !

(composd on 5/16/2003,De, Usa )


( Composed ; may 16,2003)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

S O L I L O Q U Y.

Someone within me asked me -' For 16 years you were absent from Indian Stage '!
I replied ---'yes'
= Are you going to vote , next ELECTION ?
= NO, sorry !
=why not ?
= I wanted to vote some one for the post of PM; but the system doesnot permit me !
= Why ?
=In India, You cannot VOTE for the PM. It is not an ALL-INDIA Level of voting for PM.
PM's post is a selection -Grade or a post to be filled by the PARTY -BOSS or the
=So ! --what ?
= 'That what,' is, ---- he may not be the person of my choice but party Boss's
adapted son or some .--ne may be even duffer like me !
= So ! ?
= So, - I Cancel my desire to VOTE.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What is LIFE & LOVE ?

Realy ! what we are ? We the last Bipid living animal ife or more repected logo Bipid Homosapien , the extentension of last animal life with Expandig CONSCIOUSNESS extending beyond all barrier of nature unto or beyond all universes and exploring the Grand design. Now the physicist like early Phylosophers are raising questions not written in physics nor in Cosmology.

Schrodinger's book "what is ife' raised similar querry'.
" does a fish know any thing about the water within which it is iving throught life' - Einstein in 'Out of later years' Even a small fry like myself once wrote a poem ( published0 in WHERE DREAMS BEGIN ,while U.S.A titled Man tthe 'COSGMIC Biologic RObot"
A frog in the little pool is happier than us in the sense that it has neither the capacity nor the need to know any more than ,-eat and breed and be marry.
Man is like a one flower on the deser- Ocean casting fragrance all beyond without knowing --why or what for.
These are questions also integrated in our life , living and love for iving and also for existence and feeling for Unity and affection; and so.... !

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


INDIA HAS a few sports where She excells : One is Chess and where we are yet World Champion. But not being a POITICO -CORPORATE BUSINESS ENTERPRISE , it is less appealing .In my young days I learnt thet USSR(the-then) introduced it from School to National Level and USSR dominated on land and sky so much.
In india we had HOKEY also, where we were supreme once and it was talen in ,-in OLYMPIC games'.We lost the ground due to non-support at he base. Last report is :offering Rs 25000/==-----resulting upraor and Sport-Minister woke up from his Slumber.

And we inherted an IMERIAL - ORIGIN , COLONIALLY NURTURED Game called CRICKET that was known as (RICH)GENTLE-MAN's GAME to start with, only played by ENGLAND and her COLONIAL -Servants-NATIONS , then and now, becoming Famous with MATCH-FIXING_TECH. and with MAMMON - SPIRIT OF POLITICO-BUSINESS CORPORATE PARTICIPATION and with the help of LPL TO THE FRAGILE PRAK , even thinking of Bharat-Ratna ( to boost up Business).
And ---"HUMPTY-DUMPTY " HAD a GREAT FALL" On the lAND OF its Origin. And the MAFCH -FIXERS are WEEPING -DRENCHED! Does not Matter, - in the land os SCAMS it will survive- again and --sure.

Now my simple suggestion without SCAM - -SCOPE : Make KABADI not only the NATIONAL GAME but INTRODUCE it at a COULSORY SPORT with promise of employment, at all school Level and see the out- come at the end of 5 years; INDIA at least of "Have-nots" ,will have better HEALTH than even AMERICANs , if not like PATTHANS. And Great thing will be achieved without Strain on TREASURY and advantage to MONEY-SUCKERS!


SUIIDES IN IIT, INDIA : 7 students with billiant academic record Commit suicide ; HEAD LINES TO DAY Ch, : 55, india, kolkata, wednessday, sept. 14, 2011, 8 --30 pm
There was a time ( 1940 -50s), even if some boy/girl passed with 40 percent mark , there would be Joy and festive parties.
Now in INDIA , even scoring 95 to 97 percent marks, brilliant students fail to climb above 'Cut- out' marks in top colleges and the result ; SUICIDE.

EINSTEIN could not have climbed beyoyd this CUT-out marks of any of these College and his Academic recored was depressing to his Teachers and his Father who died a Sad father iving behind a son in faiures. He could be only a patent office clerk and failed in getting job even.( read: out of my ater Years -by Einstin). Donot know what would have been the outcome to CIVILLISATION, if he Committed SUICIDE( even he was thinking of it )'
But it is futile citing great examples. In this Age of RAT-RACE, even if you overcome and survive the ROLLER COSTER twist & speed of competitive living , even if you outlive your academic storms , you are destined to succeed with Bald head or depression, or heart -attacks or similar 'blessings' of SUCCESS !

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

MEMORY OF YOUNG LIFE ( 1955 - 60 )

I am now too much of an old man, to enjoy popular CIMEMA or even dicuss the big shows i saw , when young,or like talking about.
Now a days even Political Leaders thrive better with Metro-Station named after film stars like-; better I won't name any.. A few pictures rise in my mind,on memory lane , buble- up and burst;
Umttam Kumar's brother TARUN KUMAR was , always to me , a beteter actor ,
aad as luck means every thing in life and success, Uttam kumar had a vey good figure and FACE face and TARUN was no match against UTTAM.. Really ,UTTAM was really handsome and in those days only handsome and young facees had only chance to be hero in a fim. Because in those days, there was no G.B.S, in Bengal to tell what the word 'HERO' really mean in the field of real play and great story.
Those who have not seen ugley shape of Charles Laughton in Les MISERABLE or . Witness for the Prosecution, won't know what I mean to impress upon;
Any way, but- we had Tarun kumar a great actor but no director to notice his talent or a right script to choose..
But for Satyajit Roy, the great talent of Tulsi cchakravarty in PARAS PATHAR would never have been known. But , sadly , he was abused , mostly in CHEAP Comedies.

Coming to my Final Opinion ; Suchitra Sen was ever a better Actor than Uttam Kumar and it was she wwho guided him up to higher level of presentation in Mature age of acting .I told it even then but luckily I was not important then nor even now.
Concluding my reminiscence, I remember when in 1955/56 I came to CALCUTTA from DELHI on leave as a young Doctor in Service ,I Went to see "PTHER PANCHALEE" in BASU SREE HALL in SOUTH CALCUTTA with a friend. The Hall was more than half empty. Within 20 meters there was BIZALI showing a picture DASHYU MOHAN running and the Crowd there for booking was almost 2 furlong long covering even the MAIN ROAD and Police had to resort to Lathi Charge. ..... But , We both the friends ,saw the picture , forgot to speak to one another , walked out almost in Trance reached our separate destination.
I rememnext when I wrote from DELHI to my friend , Dr. Biplab BASU and captioned it as " a poem on Celluloid', he agreed and respoded with a coplement to it as a poetic utteranc !
Even for the next whole month there was no wave nor news nor uproar nor eloquoence in media world . And then , when .....the Kanes Festival declared its OPINION with a GOLD, Bengal woke up with follow up PRAISE, AND --all else is history !!

Monday, September 12, 2011


I know people or the siciety will designate it as SADISTIS Pleasure and I won't fight to diaprove, bu really, I feel , within me - pleased whenIDIANN CRICKET TEAM has lost this Season , one after the other and was displace from the No ! position in the World .
What ? Numer one In the World.- - - - - and what is the size of that world . The world made of only COLONIAL_commonWealth, these days. Well ! That World os not my World. CRICKET that is not recognised by OLYMPIC.No European country other than British Imoerial -then Feudal , Then Colonial LORd invrnted it, deveoped it. Now it is MATCH FIXING, PLITICIAN,BUSUNESS-Man nurtured Mass Expliting , manipulated Game , even some commentators re paid to keep up the heat and manouver the resuts.
In my whole life I have not even seen or followed one match.
And I don't think I am a LOSER.
CRICHET has Eaten Up milllion and Million od labour Hours in my young days (1950 -80) and now it is not a SPORT But a CORPORATE BUSINESS. Well now You can think of me as anything wasting your time only .

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



Clear the way
the hon'ble Minister coming
clear the way
yes the terrorist attack again on the Capital to day
we know, and are prepared for the worst
clear the way
the minister wants to see and sympathise
speech -writer has finished a draft
please. have patience
just clear the path
Know what the Leader said
'they are coward" even excuse them and so
we may even excuse them -if they allow us
you know , the value of "speech writer", friend
what ! - the relatives are angry -all ?
what business they have
alright ! that's right
but who have more sympathy than us
we want to serve you more
even beyond next Election day
please remember us to vote
now clear the path and let me go
for some Hospital , where injured are
have to symathacise their wound or the deads
just clear yhe way -
as we are on Casual leave
from the PARIAMENT
for bartaering our dream -with your faith , -today
just clear the way.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Friday, August 19, 2011
FINAL THEORY : ( Issue India )
Blundering Government searches for escape route from Anna crisis

Sandeep Phukan, Friday August 19, 2011, New Delhi

What is apparent may not Be true
The blundering Govt with its 'Head'
is exposed and involved through and through
the people now know -who one is afraid

"one can smile and smile and be a..." -a what ?
and "all that glitters is not gold"
If one looks honest , even then a -'but'
when 'Abatement of Crime ' does un-fold !

'King you are naked ' - told the child
even though he thought, he is covered well
one may be a scholar but incompetent to lead
and obsolete sermons , now , no more sell !

Posted by Phani Basu at 8:27 AM 0 comments


Friday, August 19, 2011
FINAL THEORY : ( Issue India )
Blundering Government searches for escape route from Anna crisis

Sandeep Phukan, Friday August 19, 2011, New Delhi

What is apparent may not Be true
The blundering Govt with its 'Head'
is exposed and involved through and through
the people now know -who one is afraid

"one can smile and smile and be a..." -a what ?
and "all that glitters is not gold"
If one looks honest , even then a -'but'
when 'Abatement of Crime ' does un-fold !

'King you are naked ' - told the child
even though he thought, he is covered well
one may be a scholar but incompetent to lead
and obsolete sermons , now , no more sell !

Posted by Phani Basu at 8:27 AM 0 comments


Dear MR. PM,

Let them say anything they like
but I love you for your Scholar- ship , though
and -I know
You are a displaced pawn
on the 'Chess-board' of Politics .
And though you are polite and calm
and never speak your thoughts -outside
or ever ready to read the 'speech-writer's draft'

Another time ,after the 2G scam and when
the accused, now in-famous, had to leave his job
I saw you, on TV, patting his back
in Chennai,for giving you relief , -so great!

You are ever mute and rarely smile
But who wrote it that -
"one can smile and smile and be a..." -a what ?

No you did not , for your-self, commit a crime
But did you not play your role in 'Abatement of crime'
yes , that is the question, - great, sublime !
You, the 'Tragic Hero' of 'modern time '!

Monday, August 8, 2011


"SINGING in the rain, Didi leads march for Tagore" - The TIimes of India, Kolkata, Tuesday,august 9 , 2011; P -3
On 7oth death Anniversary ( Baishey Sravan) in Kolkata, the domiciled place of Rabindranath's Ancestors.[ Tagore Family migrated from Jessore of pre-partition-East Bengal , now -Bangla Desh].
It seems for West Bengal,( a handicapped title-name since 1947) Panchishey Baisakh and Baishey sravan are the only two 'darling dates' of high-pitch Festival-time and more important than even the life-time-works of the BARD .
I stiil remember the day in 1960s(my own experience ) when on occassion of Rabindra Centinary at a local 'centinary Festival', the invited President ( of course a poitical figure ) brought out a book 'Sanchita' of Nazrul, to recite a Tagore poem , until and soon some one pointed out that Tagore's book was named SANCHAYITA" - not 'Sanchit'a.
- - - - - - -
Any way Vidaya sagar , Jagagich Bose, Rammohan , P.c Roy , Satyen Bose ; all have lost their chances of being remembered and honoured on their BIRTH DAYS (leave apart their death Anniversary), because they were nt smart enough to write some very popular songs; nor had the rare great luck of winning NOBEL PRIZE..[The retorts and revulsions of poet himself are recorded facts , untill Nobel prize was declared in his name }.
About Vidya Sagar, rabindranath himself wrote that great man like him is born in a country ONCE on 500 years.
But he did not write any 'SAGR-SONGs ' and we all know that. Yet only a Nobel Prize could have made him IMMORTAl' ! but how sad for the posterity !
And even if, WEST BENGAL forgets to change the 'Distorted Name [Some even mis-spells it as Waste Bengal] ',I shall feel so happy if the new chief Minister can introduce "JEEVAN SMRITI" and SELECTED LECTURES OF Swami Vivekananda in &from Middle-School -Level and onwards.
And finally Rabindranath should be more read than celebrated.. Many of his songs are better poetry than MUSUC.
And I think, SATYEN BOSE is now more known and famous on GLOBAL Scale ( W-,Boson Z-Boson0 & Hiiggs Boson-of Quantum Science & Cosmology) than Rabindranath. And one should first read his Bengali-writings before negeting me to any degree .

Saturday, August 6, 2011

MY TEACHER - Dr. Pashupati Bose

Had a very good dialogue with Rana, my son in U.S.A[ on E-mail] in lighter vein, to day.
Rana claimed that his brain was bigger and in front of his chest .
I replied that even camels ,horses ,deer and zeruf have their brain much in front of their chest.
to which, pat- came his reply ; ' let them try or dare to stand or walk like me om my two legs. And i was really, impressed and i answered; '-Smart reply ! '
Here I rememember my anatomy professor's(another P.bose) famous lecture in our Anatomy Class :"the difference betwen quadrupeds and human are - I, Erection of Spine II. Liberation of hands III. Apposition of thums IV binocular vision and ---and (his way of saying ) V , dropping off of tail [ then facing us (students -boys & girls) 'though some of you have not done it yet ,"........I shall never forget him and seeing whose masterly drawing figures in the board with packs of coloured chalks , I was inspired to learn drawing!
.......Ony if i could speak or ecture like him !!...He was only M.b,B.S and the best teacher in my life.!


Friday, August 5, 2011

Different Strokes :

It doe snot have even to be qualitative. As one grows older and walks a long way on path of life the issue may not be forward ahead or , behind , higher , lower or additive or entropic but views and experience shifts and shuffles ,naturally by the process and integrated influence of Nature..And every one may may his/her own set of views. And by the law of vibration-within us , we may agree or dis agree on any issue without being categorised right or wrong.
*********** ************

What is loneliness or living isolated or returning to the 'universe within'. Which is preferable : being assorted or getting adjusted in social crowd physically and practise physical unity . Or, climbing up on mental and psychic plane and be more non-physical but more integrated on the sublime level of unified living. No question of one being better than the other. I think one has to decide any one, or otherwise by himself /herself and not by democratic voting leveling one -better than the other.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


What is apparent or obvious may not be true ( rain bow or mirage)
what seems to be - true , may not be real (Relativity )
What is real is ever beyond Reach ( Truth Absolute)
What is Truth , - is ever abstract (FIRST CAUSE)

What is ignorance , -may be a bliss ( Futility of Existence )
What is knowledge, may not en-rish ( that one's wife or husband is cheating)
What is alive - may not be pleasant ( Suffering Life )
What is ensured can not be covered ( Terminal illness )
What is covered , is never an 'absent' ( Limitation )
What seems absent , is the the overwhelming TRUTH ( Entropy or Death ).

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The only Hundred percent honest souls in this present World , I think , are Professiona SEX-WORLERS.
I salute those -my-'mothers & sisters' as the only 'left out 'betrayed group' in the present corrupt Civillised (?) world.
Those who are in the dark, - should read 'Mrs. Warrenes' Profession' By G.B. S
In response to ; " Identify sex workers willing to optout : SC" - the T.O.I, Klkata, wednesday,July 20, 2011.

Friday, July 15, 2011


This is also the 150 Th birth Anniversary of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy of whom even the whole India ,more the Bengal, has the reason to be proud of and celebrate, The Only difference is that he had no Nobel Prize in pocket. otherwise he as no less worthy than Rabindranath.

Of course Bengalis can only dance , madly, when the West recognise us. ( example Satyajit Roy of 'Panther panchalee' was recognised only after Canes Fest..

Even otherwise and apart, Satyen Bose is now more known to the World and shall be more 'alive' than Rabindranath...(through W & Z-boson) and as long as world & science is there.
His only fault was that he did not grab a Nobel -p nor write popular 'songs'.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


The real democratic leader at the top
shoud be elected by people - all
and be chosen by a Party or group

He must not represent,mere, his class or clan
as that's not Democracy , if the leader
can be replaced by a party's whim
for, Democracy isn't ,mere, a 'Political Chess'

The sky looks coud-cast,the ocean -rough
people need a captain worthy and strong
to steer the ship through turbid time
and not a mere 'His master's Voice'

Meet Aliens in next 20 yrs

We'll meet aliens in next 20 years: Russian scientist
Indo-Asian News Service, Updated: June 28, 2011 19:34 IST

London: Human beings will meet creatures from outer space within the next 20 years, a top Russian scientist has said.

"The genesis of life is as inevitable as the formation of atoms. Life exists on other planets and we will find it within 20 years," Andrei Finkelstein, director of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Applied Astronomy Institute, was quoted as saying by the Telegraph.

Interfax news agency said the scientist was speaking at an international forum discussing extraterrestrial life.

Finkelstein said 10 per cent of the known planets circling suns in the galaxy resemble Earth.

If water can be found there, then so can life, he said. The aliens would most likely resemble humans with two arms, two legs and a head, he added.

"They may have different colour skin, but even we have that," he said.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

BOSTON BROTHERS ( Great Life-Story )

Boston gangster story is a tale of 2 brothers
Associated Press, Updated: June 26, 2011 09:23 IST

Boston: It has all the hallmarks of a Greek tragedy: two brothers whose lives diverge radically -- one into an underworld of crime, the other into the upper echelons of state politics -- yet whose fates remain inextricably linked.

Generations of Boston residents have watched that story play out in the real-life drama of former Democratic Senate President William "Billy" Bulger and his older brother, reputed gangster James "Whitey" Bulger.

At the heart of the story, at least for the younger Bulger, was a fierce loyalty to family and the shared experience of growing up in the working class Irish-American enclave of South Boston, where the line between brawling and bare-knuckled politics was easily blurred.

The two brothers also shared one more thing: a willingness to use whatever power was available to them.

In William's case, that was a savviness for street-smart politics that propelled him into one of the most powerful positions on Beacon Hill, where he earned a reputation for arm-twisting that rarely saw him lose a battle.

For Whitey, according to an inch-thick pile of indictments, that power came at the barrel of a gun and a coterie of enforcers.

Whitey's surprising arrest after 16 years on the run to face 19 murder charges this week has again thrust the brothers' story into the spotlight.

It's a relationship that would dog William Bulger throughout his career, ultimately forcing his resignation as president of the University of Massachusetts system in 2003 after he testified before a congressional committee investigating the FBI's ties to his brother, who by then had been revealed as an FBI informant.

After receiving immunity, William acknowledged receiving a call from Whitey shortly after he fled.

"The tone of it was 'Don't believe everything that is being said about me,'" William Bulger said. "I think he asked me to tell everybody he was OK. ... I think I said I hope this has a happy ending."

Two years earlier, William Bulger had told a grand jury he didn't urge his brother to surrender because he didn't "think it would be in his interest to do so," according to a transcript of his testimony obtained by The Boston Globe.

"It's my hope that I'm never helpful to anyone against him," the younger Bulger said, according to the transcript. "I don't feel an obligation to help everyone to catch him."

Among those pressing William Bulger to resign from his university post was then Republican Gov. Mitt Romney.

For William Bulger, it was a role as defender of his brother that he'd long ago accepted, even as Whitey seemed to disappear into an increasingly violent criminal netherworld.

In his 1996 memoir "While the Music Lasts," William Bulger described Whitey, five years his senior, as being in "a constant state of revolt" and as "restless as a claustrophobic in a dark closet."

Whitey kept himself in top physical shape, neither smoke nor drank, shunned addictive drugs, and had "an abundance of good humor and a wildly creative talent for impish mischief," his brother wrote.

But William Bulger also said Whitey found himself in trouble with police and once ran away to join the circus -- signing on with Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus as a roustabout. The older brother joined the Air Force but had trouble conforming and was later discharged.

"He was just being Jim," Bulger wrote.

William Bulger said that it was around this time that Whitey fell in with a crowd involved in bank holdups and in 1956 was convicted of involvement in three bank robberies and sentenced to 20 years. He served part of what turned out to be an 11-year sentence in Alcatraz.

Four years after Whitey's conviction, William was first elected to the Massachusetts House.

In the years following Whitey's release, William blamed the media for spreading what he called "lurid allegations" about his brother, speculating that some of the "dark rumors" were nothing more than political attacks on him.

As Whitey's criminal activities appeared to turn more brutal, William Bulger rose through the Statehouse ranks. In 1970, he won a Senate seat and eight years later was elected Senate president, a position he would hold for a record 17 years.

Even after Whitey fled in 1995 of the eve of his indictment on racketeering charges, William remained loyal, accusing overzealous prosecutors of buying testimony with promises of early release from prison.

"It has been known for many years that a 'get out of jail' card has been available to anyone who would give testimony against my brother," he wrote.

At the same time, William was earning a reputation as a tough-minded leader who rewarded supporters and punished critics.

Warren Tolman, a former Democratic senator who was among those critics, served briefly under him.

Tolman said that although he often found himself at loggerheads with William Bulger, he felt Bulger treated him fairly and could be "a charming guy" when he wanted.

Still, Bulger wasn't shy about using his political might.

Tolman said after he was able to prevent a transportation funding proposal from passing by a single vote, Bulger, who opposed the measure, used his muscle to flip a vote, forcing the proposal through.

"By and large he got his way whenever he wanted," Tolman said. "You knew that if you took him on it was going to be an uphill battle."

Tolman said he never recalled open discussions about Bulger's brother even though his Senate colleagues "certainly knew of the legend of Whitey Bulger."

"I don't think anyone ever realized the scope of the dastardly deeds he's accused of," Tolman said.

Occasionally the lines between politics and the underworld blurred.

In 1994, state Sen. William Keating led a group of like-minded liberal lawmakers in an attempt to oust Bulger as Senate president.

Although the challenge failed, the campaign against Keating was fierce. Keating said his supporters from South Boston told him that Whitey had paid people to travel to Keating's district to hold signs for his Republican opponent.

Keating said he had his own brief run-in with the reputed mobster, who approached him and lit into him with a barrage of profanity-laced insults for trying to take down his brother.

Keating, who went on to become Norfolk district attorney before being elected to Congress last year, said he's friends with a family who lost a loved one to Whitey's violence, according to the indictments against him.

"There's a tendency to glamorize abuse of power and a tendency to glamorize the gangster life, but as a district attorney, I was there as they were unearthing the bodies of (Whitey Bulger's) victims," Keating said. "It's not funny and it's not glamorous. It was savage and it was brutal."

In a written statement following Whitey's arrest this week, William Bulger said he wished to "express my sympathy to all the families hurt by the calamitous circumstances of this case."

Then, during Whitey's brief appearance in federal court in Boston on Friday, the aging brothers had a fleeting reunion of sorts. Whitey, now 81, smiled at his younger brother and mouthed the word "hi." William smiled back.

William, speaking briefly to reporters as he left the courthouse, appeared emotional.

"It's an unusual experience," he said.

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Story first published: June 26, 2011 09:10 IST

Friday, June 24, 2011

Golden words

"in the case of political , even religious leaders,it is often doubtful whether they have done more good or harm' ---------Einstein . good and evil ; The world as I find it . p-9
"Can any one imagine Moses, Jesus or Gandhi armed with money bags of Carnegie -----Einsten , World as I see it ,

Thursday, June 23, 2011


When I was young and came to Calcutta after partition ., I learnt about RELATIVITY without knowing who Einstein was. .
We were in Central Calcutta (now Kolkata ) and ,one day asked a gentle man while walking to my college - Sir , how far is Dakshin-eshar ? And sharp came his reply - ' It is on the North and long beyond '. and the elderly gentleman walked fast leaving me lost in wonder !

How can Dakshin( meaning 'South') -eshwar ,be to the north !! ---and I walked on and on wondering ! and learning long after .


Some disciple asked SriAurobindo (India ) that if the Nuclear fire -works of 3rd World War, wipes out the Human Race fro the face of the Earth. ,shall the Living world be destroyed ?
His reply was : Man can not destroy a World that Man did not create . Man can only only destroy himself.
'Then what will happen to the World ' - the disciple asked again and his answer ; 'The Evolutionary process will take over
and Human Race will be replaced by more intelligent and more conscious species , just like the way, chimps, and Baboons were replaced by Man. ( ref :" Evening Talks by SriAurobindo"

The other day I was leafing through the pages of Einstein's ' Out of Later years' and found a parallel view as follows :
Einstein was deeply worried about the destruction of Human race after the next Nuclear -World War and told so to his friend. And Einstein's guest-friend asked back '
'why are you so deeply opposed to disappearance of human race ?'
COMMENT : Terrific response !

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Someone asked SriAuronibo (India ) that if the Nuclear fire -works of 3rd World War, wipe out the Human Race on the world. ,shall the Living world be destroyed ?
His reply was like as follows:' Man can not destroy the world that Man did not create , Man can only destroy himself.
'Then what will happen to the World ' - the disciple asked and his answer ;
' The Evolutionary process will take over and Human Race will be replaced by more intelligent and more conscious species , just like , chimps, and Baboons were replaced by Man'. ( ref :" Evening Talks by SriAurobindo"
************************ *******************************

The other day I was leafing through the pages of Einstien's ' Out of Later years' and found a parallel view as follows :

Einstein was deeply worried about the desruction of Human race after the next Nuclear - War and asked guest-friend about his opinion. And the friend asked back '
"why are you so deeply opposed to disappearance of human race ?'

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"GOLD RUSH " & CASH CRASH ! ( India Issue)!

BJP leader wants inquiry for cash found in Sai Baba's room

Press Trust of India, Tuesday June 21, 2011, Hyderabad

Monday, June 20, 2011



Yes !
I also dreamt and desired
to renounce this life and realise
the Divine of my choice
with some five crores of rupees only
and some 50 kgs of gold
locked in my safe near my room
or under my bed .
And then, be transported to the 'Hyperspace'
(some call it heaven)
for my designed ' Divine life.'.

But I am eighty -two now
waiting still
on the bank of the Ganga , -
on a place in Hoogly
for some comfortable transport - to fly
to that 'Hyperspace'!

Sunday, May 15, 2011



To Bengalees all over, including NRIs & diaspora , Rabindranath is Sky-vast and at the same time , he dazzles like the Sun itself (matching it, with his name).

But do all Bengalees know that Satyendranath Basu (Bose ) of Bengal with' W-boson' & 'Z- Boson ', is perhaps more known to the World and more particularly to the scientists and scolars and Cosmologists of the World as a whole ?
This summation-result may not mean any thing in the fieldof of popularity , more particularly on Regional scale .

Yet tthe name of Satyen Bose and ' boson' will last as long as Einstein will be remembered or the World of Intelligence exists.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

STEPHEN HAWKING : A Biological Wonder

Perhaps one day I'll go into outer space: Stephen Hawking
Claudia Dreifus, The New York Times, Updated: May 10, 2011 17:27 IST

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Tempe, Arizona: Like Einstein, he is as famous for his story as for his science.

At the age of 21, the British physicist Stephen Hawking was found to have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease. While A.L.S. is usually fatal within five years, Dr. Hawking lived on and flourished, producing some of the most important cosmological research of his time.

In the 1960s, with Sir Roger Penrose, he used mathematics to explicate the properties of black holes. In 1973, he applied Einstein's general theory of relativity to the principles of quantum mechanics. And he showed that black holes were not completely black but could leak radiation and eventually explode and disappear, a finding that is still reverberating through physics and cosmology.

Dr. Hawking, in 1988, tried to explain what he knew about the boundaries of the universe to the lay public in "A Brief History of Time: From Big Bang to Black Holes." The book sold more than 10 million copies and was on best-seller lists for more than two years.

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Today, at 69, Dr. Hawking is one of the longest-living survivors of A.L.S., and perhaps the most inspirational. Mostly paralyzed, he can speak only through a computerized voice simulator.

On a screen attached to his wheelchair, commonly used words flash past him. With a cheek muscle, he signals an electronic sensor in his eyeglasses to transmit instructions to the computer. In this way he slowly builds sentences; the computer transforms them into the metallic, otherworldly voice familiar to Dr. Hawking's legion of fans.

It's an exhausting and time-consuming process. Yet this is how he stays connected to the world, directing research at the Center for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge, writing prolifically for specialists and generalists alike and lecturing to rapt audiences from France to Fiji.

Dr. Hawking came here last month at the invitation of a friend, the cosmologist Lawrence Krauss, for a science festival sponsored by the Origins Project of Arizona State University. His lecture, "My Brief History," was not all quarks and black holes. At one point, he spoke of the special joys of scientific discovery.

"I wouldn't compare it to sex," he said in his computerized voice, "but it lasts longer." The audience roared.

The next afternoon, Dr. Hawking sat with me for a rare interview. Well, a kind of interview, actually.

Ten questions were sent to his daughter, Lucy Hawking, 40, a week before the meeting. So as not to exhaust her father, who has grown weaker since a near-fatal illness two years ago, Ms. Hawking read them to him over a period of days.

During our meeting, the physicist played back his answers. Only one exchange, the last, was spontaneous. Yet despite the limitations, it was Dr. Hawking who wanted to do the interview in person rather than by e-mail.

Some background on the second query, the one about extraterrestrials. For the past year, Lucy Hawking was writer in residence at the Origins Project at Arizona State University. As part of her work, she and Paul Davies, a physicist at Arizona State, started a contest, "Dear Aliens," inviting Phoenix schoolchildren to write essays about what they might say to space beings trying to contact Planet Earth.

Q. Dr. Hawking, thank you so much for taking time to talk to Science Times. I'm wondering, what is a typical day like for you?

A. I get up early every morning and go to my office where I work with my colleagues and students at Cambridge University. Using e-mail, I can communicate with scientists all over the world.

Obviously, because of my disability, I need assistance. But I have always tried to overcome the limitations of my condition and lead as full a life as possible. I have traveled the world, from the Antarctic to zero gravity. (Pause.) Perhaps one day I will go into space.

Q. Speaking of space: Earlier this week, your daughter, Lucy, and Paul Davies, the Arizona State University physicist, sent a message into space from an Arizona schoolchild to potential extraterrestrials out there in the universe. Now, you've said elsewhere that you think it's a bad idea for humans to make contact with other forms of life. Given this, did you suggest to Lucy that she not do it? Hypothetically, let's say as a fantasy, if you were to send such a message into space, how would it read?

A. Previously I have said it would be a bad idea to contact aliens because they might be so greatly advanced compared to us, that our civilization might not survive the experience. The "Dear Aliens" competition is based on a different premise.

It assumes that an intelligent extraterrestrial life form has already made contact with us and we need to formulate a reply. The competition asks school-age students to think creatively and scientifically in order to find a way to explain human life on this planet to some inquisitive aliens. I have no doubt that if we are ever contacted by such beings, we would want to respond.

I also think it is an interesting question to pose to young people as it requires them to think about the human race and our planet as a whole. It asks students to define who we are and what we have done.

Q. I don't mean to ask this disrespectfully, but there are some experts on A.L.S. who insist that you can't possibly suffer from the condition. They say you've done far too well, in their opinion. How do you respond to this kind of speculation?

A. Maybe I don't have the most common kind of motor neuron disease, which usually kills in two or three years. It has certainly helped that I have had a job and that I have been looked after so well.

I don't have much positive to say about motor neuron disease. But it taught me not to pity myself, because others were worse off and to get on with what I still could do. I'm happier now than before I developed the condition. I am lucky to be working in theoretical physics, one of the few areas in which disability is not a serious handicap.

Q. Given all you've experienced, what words would you offer someone who has been diagnosed with a serious illness, perhaps A.L.S.?

A. My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn't prevent you doing well, and don't regret the things it interferes with. Don't be disabled in spirit, as well as physically.

Q. About the Large Hadron Collider, the supercollider in Switzerland, there were such high hopes for it when it was opened. Are you disappointed in it?

A. It is too early to know what the L.H.C. will reveal. It will be two years before it reaches full power. When it does, it will work at energies five times greater than previous particle accelerators.

We can guess at what this will reveal, but our experience has been that when we open up a new range of observations, we often find what we had not expected. That is when physics becomes really exciting, because we are learning something new about the universe.

Q. I'm wondering about your book "A Brief History of Time." Were you surprised by the enormous success of it? Do you believe that most of your readers understood it? Or is it enough that they were interested and wanted to? Or, in another way: what are the implications of your popular books for science education?

A. I had not expected "A Brief History of Time" to be a best seller. It was my first popular book and aroused a great deal of interest.

Initially, many people found it difficult to understand. I therefore decided to try to write a new version that would be easier to follow. I took the opportunity to add material on new developments since the first book, and I left out some things of a more technical nature. This resulted in a follow-up entitled "A Briefer History of Time," which is slightly briefer, but its main claim would be to make it more accessible.

Q. Though you avoid stating your own political beliefs too openly, you entered into the health care debate here in the United States last year. Why did you do that?

A. I entered the health care debate in response to a statement in the United States press in summer 2009 which claimed the National Health Service in Great Britain would have killed me off, were I a British citizen. I felt compelled to make a statement to explain the error.

I am British, I live in Cambridge, England, and the National Health Service has taken great care of me for over 40 years. I have received excellent medical attention in Britain, and I felt it was important to set the record straight. I believe in universal health care. And I am not afraid to say so.

Q. Here on Earth, the last few months have just been devastating. What were your feelings as you read of earthquakes, revolutions, counter-revolutions and nuclear meltdowns in Japan? Have you been as personally shaken up as the rest of us?

A. I have visited Japan several times and have always been shown wonderful hospitality. I am deeply saddened for my Japanese colleagues and friends, who have suffered such a catastrophic event. I hope there will be a global effort to help Japan recover. We, as a species, have survived many natural disasters and difficult situations, and I know that the human spirit is capable of enduring terrible hardships.

Q. If it is possible to time-travel, as some physicists claim, at least theoretically, is possible, what is the single moment in your life you would like to return to? This is another way of asking, what has been the most joyful moment you've known?

A. I would go back to 1967, and the birth of my first child, Robert. My three children have brought me great joy.

Q. Scientists at Fermilab recently announced something that one of our reporters described as "a suspicious bump in their data that could be evidence of a new elementary particle or even, some say, a new force of nature." What did you think when you heard about it?

A. It is too early to be sure. If it helps us to understand the universe, that will surely be a good thing. But first, the result needs to be confirmed by other particle accelerators.

Q. I don't want to tire you out, especially if doing answers is so difficult. But I'm wondering: The speech you gave the other night here in Tempe, "My Brief History," was very personal. Were you trying to make a statement on the record so that people would know who you are?

A. (After five minutes.) I hope my experience will help other people.


Saturday, April 9, 2011





Sunday, March 27, 2011


MONALISA-Smile of the Blushing Bride
Prison-gate let open by Groom
CRICKET - DANCE on a 'Bhangra' Stage
No more 'DANDA' nor BROOM' !

Friday, March 25, 2011


I am not a hindu nor a muslim nor a christian.
I am an indivisible part of the Cosmic-Consciousness.
To me, the crawling insect , the cut down tree and myself have the samee Unit -value.

"TO BE OR NOT TO BE " -----Shakkespeare

Inspite of your romantic effort, the other day in Parliament , Mr . PM , i think, you have admitted youself, through poetic romance, unworthy . of the charming opposition -Leader [in spite of sincere quoting and hidden suggesstion].
Even if you are personally honest, you are not innocent by the record of your Association.
In medical Science there is a type of germ that is not guilty of causing disease but are carrier of dis-ease producing agents that are very harmful and physicians do not deal with them kindly.
In one sense ,these carriers are labelled as 'equally Dangerous'.[ meaning :
When you yourself admit that you are 'not as much guilty as opposition paints you' ( that means you admit 'some' and you also admit your ignorance of events happening straight under your nose and covering - up your resposibility,you declare yourself 'misfit' for the post ,I think, you are holding.
Renunciation is surely better than clinging to such Captaincy where your sailors are , all, working to see you sink .Are you not offerig your shoulder to others' Criminals - Enterprise !

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Now it is hot and high summer in West Bengal and also the hotter ,uncertain political 'high Noon' of Pre-Election's stormy set-ups on most of the local TV Channels and I , with lot of Retired -Waiting-times don't mind switching on TV -Channels , randomm, and listen to some Debating( if ,really can be certified so ).

Soon , a few momements after the the start , all Debating -rules and norms are overthrown and each one , mostly, try to shout out the other or shout down even the moderator.
Only one from BJP , I found, has better Debating skill to bring out the central issue. But he Naturally gets less times to speak as , others are tense like hungry wolves to bite-out every speaker on their way, without observing or allowing the rules of good Debate.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


To vote or not to vote, -that is the question
whether its wiser and safe here -
to get stapmted in some party's brand
or to stay non-crformist in thought and action
without commitment, - with some rank and file.
Or to come out in the open and expose
the camouflaged heart and false promise of either side !
Yet I am too old now to walk free and tell my mind
on the cross-road of this City-site
and -to be expressive as I desire within!
[adapting Shakesperare's way]


One third od India's Time is wasted in CRICKET-ADDICTION.

Another Third of INDIA 's Time in Parlimantary NOISE- POLLUTION Or what they call Debating { Really . I think, it is shouting or Gossiping on issues that seems like swimming on SURFACE than diving to the depth of NATIONAL PROBLEMS.)

The other third of India's Time is spent in creating problems for Middle-class and people of BPL!

Friday, March 18, 2011

GANDHI BOUND - An Experience

It was a real visual treat and I was amost enoying it. Well you may call it a bit sadistic. Maybe! and I won't deny. It was an experience integrating a history extracted out from back ground:
It was on TV Channel (NDTV) showing close-up of bundles and packs of 500 and 1000 Rupee notes bound with jute rope that made history in the Parliament of India exposing naked and raw Politics in India , offering Bribes to certain political Parties to keep someother in power ( at the time of Voting). My interest and field of enjoying the scene was elsewhere , asI found that the face od GANDHI , the Father of the NATION (as is claimed) was printed bright on the bundles and packs and I found jute ropes went round and round over the face of Gandhi (of the photo-s )on each pack (here were lots of them) and on some, the eyes and lips of gandhi on photo-s were tied to the extent of squieezing and distortion of his face in simulated , painful show up. ....And I could not help laughing out loud! The picture was so expressive and telling 'thousand words' like SatyajitRay's visual in 'Pathr Panchali'.
Yes I was laughing loud enjoying the pathetic status of the 'Father of Nation' on the CANVAS , painting the present Character of India , so well represented on the TV -Screen that day.. And ... I again confess , I enjoyed the phto ups.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Conceived as a Co-incidence
with non-violence as residual tool
with Gandhis super-courage will
and potentials of Sages' blessings, good-wil.

Yet genetic defect and mutation prevaied
carried forward by deformed inheritence
for half a century and beyond
now a Corrupt monsterous ugly off-spring!

Greed breeding Corruption as it grew
with more of Duryodhans , master of 'Dice'
lies and gambling for a survival ,the theme
with hayena- howls; only Corruption thrives.

Forgotten Vishmas are now gasping last
and dummy Monarch now the puppet Lord.
Gandhis India with Corrupt off-spring
dominating the field on 'Battle -ground' .

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Wan to know ?
open the front page news -
or lo ! switch on the Tv-sreen
comes the flow of news
eitheer The Scam or Rape
or some minister in prison Cell
or our GURU in Barsana jailed
for senile- Utopic girl- abuse

Or, return to the Capital, - now
the ever sad PM aadmits ' mistake'
blames his PMO -for CVC -play
The king now naked , -even kids can say
The wealthy-s are richer like Buffets or Gates
but not,though, in their snow-white way
The middle cass sandwitched and suffocates
Poorest become the voting majority now
Goebel's rule - the golden way
hundred times lie repeated on Election stand
declared as truth.

The Popular Match-Fixiing COLONIAL GAME
CRICKET is - Drug of CHOICE ,for people to drowse .
Only lapse ( in anothrr way)
the JPC has , at last, forced its WAY !


Chavan lying about PJ Thomas, says Kerala Chief Minister
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: March 11, 2011 01:36 IST
Maybe, that's why he was so much favoured for PMO-Cell


The Chief of Delhi lamenting for the lack of Civic Sense in Delhi people....WHY !
Under her governance is Delhi . And Delhi turned even to a CITY Multipe SCAM , CWG -SCandal , where more VVIP-Names are even peeping out.
Wher is the time for modern youth to be members of civil-Socirty. The needed Money for such Education and Culture are drained underround by Planned Politics.of Scams and Corruptions !
The the youth Socioety now DRUGGED so much by the Craze of COlonoal -Heritage and intoxication CRICKET -DRUG that Youth has neiither the age-old culture nor renewed vigor for MORAL growth. Their ideals are now KALMADI-MATCH-FIXING- CRICKET,2G-SCAM-ideals,QUICK-BUCKS by any means. for Who says they not fighting to get World Cup- Tickets ?
Where is the time to turn back, take up a moral stand. Of course S.D is the 1st Lady of Delhi and DELHI -Citizen is waiting for other Coming SCANDALS of DELHI,the city of Plunder and lust through out Centuries.
Delhi has for long time been known as HUMAN-JUNGLE of CANINE HABITS and Greed.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Came back to my Root
my Land of birth; -my Motherland
that was butchered twice
and I was a coward refugee boy and fled
to a larger ,safer
Mother's bleeding lap.

And , to day
I ,at sun-set life
look out and f-ind the vultures fly
the dead and melting Carcass lie
scattered every way
the foxes are free
even day-time
The hayenas are ruling the time
the scams , rape
scandals of Canine enriched life
polutes all breathing space !

Long after the swoon
I rise breathless with searching sigh
where am I !


Foxes are roaming the darkened field
hayenas howling free
Scmas , cprruptin and Cricket-drug
the Nations tallest trees.

Media -Sops like Sunami floods
and copy -cat MULI-wood
Dictates the terms of drowsy mass
Lust and lies - the food.

The king is naked but what to do
Entopy moving fast
where leaders are thieves and decieving guide
service, honesty are 'out-cast'.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Best Hope for India

For over 3-4 years I have been studying her face , the lady that you all know as Sushma swaraj. Being a physician ( with M.D) , an Artist (waste-wood Sculpture[Symphony in Wood], A poet, both in Bengali and English ,with blessings from Arani Banerjee, Ahibhishan Maik, Ranu Mookherjee , Birju Maharaj,Aayannadeva Angeri, A.S Pawar, Mrinal Sen and (for my poems) from Premendra Mitra , Maitreyee Devi, Subhash Mukopadhyaya, Jagyeswar Roy and so on .., I venture to say that I know some thing of Physiognomy and also inner info reflecting on Faces.
Any way, Sushna Swaraj has some divine tinge on her face (Devi -type). I wish I could go on sketching ( not Scratching) and painting her face to learn more about her inner Poise.
I can't fathom - why and how she decided to be a politician of present distoted- Age. Yet, she is so brilliant in her speeches and debate ( not making speeches from Speech-Writers' prints ). She is , perhaps a better debator than any I see on TV , in parliament or outside.
Some faces can change your decision on issue of joining Politics [like Singvi-Tiwari -Composite visual ].. .. Some faces seem 'mispace' in Politics,
But I wish Sushma Swaraj is the PM of India someday , representing al Parties, in some psychic way.