Friday, December 23, 2011

Democracy  Vs  Communism

 Democracy is a progressive evolutionary process.
As such , there is no 100 percent Democratic govt, in the World.
Otherwise, democracy is the highest form of scocio-political Institution where, every one or social unit have full control on his or its moral values and executes it without ,even, the fear of law or Police. 
G.B.S  rightly said  that people are law-abiding , -so long there is police(with a gun).
In True democracy , one disciplines him-self or herself , even without Police or I.P.C.

Also Communism is the highest form of INDUCED  Scocio-economic Structure ( forced from outside,-unlike democratic spirit).
In true Communism , the system endeavours to make every one make equally self-sufficient and solvent ( not equally poor).
Up till now there is no ideal communist -type Govt,any where on the Globe.There are only socialistic types,here and there.

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