Friday, August 5, 2011

Different Strokes :

It doe snot have even to be qualitative. As one grows older and walks a long way on path of life the issue may not be forward ahead or , behind , higher , lower or additive or entropic but views and experience shifts and shuffles ,naturally by the process and integrated influence of Nature..And every one may may his/her own set of views. And by the law of vibration-within us , we may agree or dis agree on any issue without being categorised right or wrong.
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What is loneliness or living isolated or returning to the 'universe within'. Which is preferable : being assorted or getting adjusted in social crowd physically and practise physical unity . Or, climbing up on mental and psychic plane and be more non-physical but more integrated on the sublime level of unified living. No question of one being better than the other. I think one has to decide any one, or otherwise by himself /herself and not by democratic voting leveling one -better than the other.

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