Friday, August 19, 2011


Dear MR. PM,

Let them say anything they like
but I love you for your Scholar- ship , though
and -I know
You are a displaced pawn
on the 'Chess-board' of Politics .
And though you are polite and calm
and never speak your thoughts -outside
or ever ready to read the 'speech-writer's draft'

Another time ,after the 2G scam and when
the accused, now in-famous, had to leave his job
I saw you, on TV, patting his back
in Chennai,for giving you relief , -so great!

You are ever mute and rarely smile
But who wrote it that -
"one can smile and smile and be a..." -a what ?

No you did not , for your-self, commit a crime
But did you not play your role in 'Abatement of crime'
yes , that is the question, - great, sublime !
You, the 'Tragic Hero' of 'modern time '!

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