Thursday, March 24, 2011


Now it is hot and high summer in West Bengal and also the hotter ,uncertain political 'high Noon' of Pre-Election's stormy set-ups on most of the local TV Channels and I , with lot of Retired -Waiting-times don't mind switching on TV -Channels , randomm, and listen to some Debating( if ,really can be certified so ).

Soon , a few momements after the the start , all Debating -rules and norms are overthrown and each one , mostly, try to shout out the other or shout down even the moderator.
Only one from BJP , I found, has better Debating skill to bring out the central issue. But he Naturally gets less times to speak as , others are tense like hungry wolves to bite-out every speaker on their way, without observing or allowing the rules of good Debate.

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