Thursday, March 10, 2011


The Chief of Delhi lamenting for the lack of Civic Sense in Delhi people....WHY !
Under her governance is Delhi . And Delhi turned even to a CITY Multipe SCAM , CWG -SCandal , where more VVIP-Names are even peeping out.
Wher is the time for modern youth to be members of civil-Socirty. The needed Money for such Education and Culture are drained underround by Planned Politics.of Scams and Corruptions !
The the youth Socioety now DRUGGED so much by the Craze of COlonoal -Heritage and intoxication CRICKET -DRUG that Youth has neiither the age-old culture nor renewed vigor for MORAL growth. Their ideals are now KALMADI-MATCH-FIXING- CRICKET,2G-SCAM-ideals,QUICK-BUCKS by any means. for Who says they not fighting to get World Cup- Tickets ?
Where is the time to turn back, take up a moral stand. Of course S.D is the 1st Lady of Delhi and DELHI -Citizen is waiting for other Coming SCANDALS of DELHI,the city of Plunder and lust through out Centuries.
Delhi has for long time been known as HUMAN-JUNGLE of CANINE HABITS and Greed.

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