Thursday, March 10, 2011


Wan to know ?
open the front page news -
or lo ! switch on the Tv-sreen
comes the flow of news
eitheer The Scam or Rape
or some minister in prison Cell
or our GURU in Barsana jailed
for senile- Utopic girl- abuse

Or, return to the Capital, - now
the ever sad PM aadmits ' mistake'
blames his PMO -for CVC -play
The king now naked , -even kids can say
The wealthy-s are richer like Buffets or Gates
but not,though, in their snow-white way
The middle cass sandwitched and suffocates
Poorest become the voting majority now
Goebel's rule - the golden way
hundred times lie repeated on Election stand
declared as truth.

The Popular Match-Fixiing COLONIAL GAME
CRICKET is - Drug of CHOICE ,for people to drowse .
Only lapse ( in anothrr way)
the JPC has , at last, forced its WAY !

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