Monday, March 7, 2011

The Best Hope for India

For over 3-4 years I have been studying her face , the lady that you all know as Sushma swaraj. Being a physician ( with M.D) , an Artist (waste-wood Sculpture[Symphony in Wood], A poet, both in Bengali and English ,with blessings from Arani Banerjee, Ahibhishan Maik, Ranu Mookherjee , Birju Maharaj,Aayannadeva Angeri, A.S Pawar, Mrinal Sen and (for my poems) from Premendra Mitra , Maitreyee Devi, Subhash Mukopadhyaya, Jagyeswar Roy and so on .., I venture to say that I know some thing of Physiognomy and also inner info reflecting on Faces.
Any way, Sushna Swaraj has some divine tinge on her face (Devi -type). I wish I could go on sketching ( not Scratching) and painting her face to learn more about her inner Poise.
I can't fathom - why and how she decided to be a politician of present distoted- Age. Yet, she is so brilliant in her speeches and debate ( not making speeches from Speech-Writers' prints ). She is , perhaps a better debator than any I see on TV , in parliament or outside.
Some faces can change your decision on issue of joining Politics [like Singvi-Tiwari -Composite visual ].. .. Some faces seem 'mispace' in Politics,
But I wish Sushma Swaraj is the PM of India someday , representing al Parties, in some psychic way.

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