Thursday, October 6, 2011


No ,--I shall not forget
No ! - I can not forget
who-ever the Leader or if,even,-Gandhi he was
Or , which evever EMPIRE was in the game
For -how can I Forget
How my mother-land BENGAL was teared into TWO
Like JARASANDHA (of Epic -fame) !
and the CUT-SIZE Orphan, Refugee -Boy
is now standing FIRM and shouting hoarse !

Even thety Removed the 'BERLIN-WALL'
and repaired all their WARRING WOUND S !
The guilty Nations are enjoying TIME
while I am the victim of the POLITICAL SHREUDS

No ! SIR,
I now know my GENETIC RIGHT
and do cry out my pentup rage
though, am now ready for the FINAL CALL
OR my DATH that's -- whichever Way
its suits your choice '!
(oct. 7, 2011)

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