Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Someone asked SriAuronibo (India ) that if the Nuclear fire -works of 3rd World War, wipe out the Human Race on the world. ,shall the Living world be destroyed ?
His reply was like as follows:' Man can not destroy the world that Man did not create , Man can only destroy himself.
'Then what will happen to the World ' - the disciple asked and his answer ;
' The Evolutionary process will take over and Human Race will be replaced by more intelligent and more conscious species , just like , chimps, and Baboons were replaced by Man'. ( ref :" Evening Talks by SriAurobindo"
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The other day I was leafing through the pages of Einstien's ' Out of Later years' and found a parallel view as follows :

Einstein was deeply worried about the desruction of Human race after the next Nuclear - War and asked guest-friend about his opinion. And the friend asked back '
"why are you so deeply opposed to disappearance of human race ?'

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