Sunday, March 27, 2011


MONALISA-Smile of the Blushing Bride
Prison-gate let open by Groom
CRICKET - DANCE on a 'Bhangra' Stage
No more 'DANDA' nor BROOM' !

Friday, March 25, 2011


I am not a hindu nor a muslim nor a christian.
I am an indivisible part of the Cosmic-Consciousness.
To me, the crawling insect , the cut down tree and myself have the samee Unit -value.

"TO BE OR NOT TO BE " -----Shakkespeare

Inspite of your romantic effort, the other day in Parliament , Mr . PM , i think, you have admitted youself, through poetic romance, unworthy . of the charming opposition -Leader [in spite of sincere quoting and hidden suggesstion].
Even if you are personally honest, you are not innocent by the record of your Association.
In medical Science there is a type of germ that is not guilty of causing disease but are carrier of dis-ease producing agents that are very harmful and physicians do not deal with them kindly.
In one sense ,these carriers are labelled as 'equally Dangerous'.[ meaning :
When you yourself admit that you are 'not as much guilty as opposition paints you' ( that means you admit 'some' and you also admit your ignorance of events happening straight under your nose and covering - up your resposibility,you declare yourself 'misfit' for the post ,I think, you are holding.
Renunciation is surely better than clinging to such Captaincy where your sailors are , all, working to see you sink .Are you not offerig your shoulder to others' Criminals - Enterprise !

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Now it is hot and high summer in West Bengal and also the hotter ,uncertain political 'high Noon' of Pre-Election's stormy set-ups on most of the local TV Channels and I , with lot of Retired -Waiting-times don't mind switching on TV -Channels , randomm, and listen to some Debating( if ,really can be certified so ).

Soon , a few momements after the the start , all Debating -rules and norms are overthrown and each one , mostly, try to shout out the other or shout down even the moderator.
Only one from BJP , I found, has better Debating skill to bring out the central issue. But he Naturally gets less times to speak as , others are tense like hungry wolves to bite-out every speaker on their way, without observing or allowing the rules of good Debate.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


To vote or not to vote, -that is the question
whether its wiser and safe here -
to get stapmted in some party's brand
or to stay non-crformist in thought and action
without commitment, - with some rank and file.
Or to come out in the open and expose
the camouflaged heart and false promise of either side !
Yet I am too old now to walk free and tell my mind
on the cross-road of this City-site
and -to be expressive as I desire within!
[adapting Shakesperare's way]


One third od India's Time is wasted in CRICKET-ADDICTION.

Another Third of INDIA 's Time in Parlimantary NOISE- POLLUTION Or what they call Debating { Really . I think, it is shouting or Gossiping on issues that seems like swimming on SURFACE than diving to the depth of NATIONAL PROBLEMS.)

The other third of India's Time is spent in creating problems for Middle-class and people of BPL!

Friday, March 18, 2011

GANDHI BOUND - An Experience

It was a real visual treat and I was amost enoying it. Well you may call it a bit sadistic. Maybe! and I won't deny. It was an experience integrating a history extracted out from back ground:
It was on TV Channel (NDTV) showing close-up of bundles and packs of 500 and 1000 Rupee notes bound with jute rope that made history in the Parliament of India exposing naked and raw Politics in India , offering Bribes to certain political Parties to keep someother in power ( at the time of Voting). My interest and field of enjoying the scene was elsewhere , asI found that the face od GANDHI , the Father of the NATION (as is claimed) was printed bright on the bundles and packs and I found jute ropes went round and round over the face of Gandhi (of the photo-s )on each pack (here were lots of them) and on some, the eyes and lips of gandhi on photo-s were tied to the extent of squieezing and distortion of his face in simulated , painful show up. ....And I could not help laughing out loud! The picture was so expressive and telling 'thousand words' like SatyajitRay's visual in 'Pathr Panchali'.
Yes I was laughing loud enjoying the pathetic status of the 'Father of Nation' on the CANVAS , painting the present Character of India , so well represented on the TV -Screen that day.. And ... I again confess , I enjoyed the phto ups.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Conceived as a Co-incidence
with non-violence as residual tool
with Gandhis super-courage will
and potentials of Sages' blessings, good-wil.

Yet genetic defect and mutation prevaied
carried forward by deformed inheritence
for half a century and beyond
now a Corrupt monsterous ugly off-spring!

Greed breeding Corruption as it grew
with more of Duryodhans , master of 'Dice'
lies and gambling for a survival ,the theme
with hayena- howls; only Corruption thrives.

Forgotten Vishmas are now gasping last
and dummy Monarch now the puppet Lord.
Gandhis India with Corrupt off-spring
dominating the field on 'Battle -ground' .

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Wan to know ?
open the front page news -
or lo ! switch on the Tv-sreen
comes the flow of news
eitheer The Scam or Rape
or some minister in prison Cell
or our GURU in Barsana jailed
for senile- Utopic girl- abuse

Or, return to the Capital, - now
the ever sad PM aadmits ' mistake'
blames his PMO -for CVC -play
The king now naked , -even kids can say
The wealthy-s are richer like Buffets or Gates
but not,though, in their snow-white way
The middle cass sandwitched and suffocates
Poorest become the voting majority now
Goebel's rule - the golden way
hundred times lie repeated on Election stand
declared as truth.

The Popular Match-Fixiing COLONIAL GAME
CRICKET is - Drug of CHOICE ,for people to drowse .
Only lapse ( in anothrr way)
the JPC has , at last, forced its WAY !


Chavan lying about PJ Thomas, says Kerala Chief Minister
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: March 11, 2011 01:36 IST
Maybe, that's why he was so much favoured for PMO-Cell


The Chief of Delhi lamenting for the lack of Civic Sense in Delhi people....WHY !
Under her governance is Delhi . And Delhi turned even to a CITY Multipe SCAM , CWG -SCandal , where more VVIP-Names are even peeping out.
Wher is the time for modern youth to be members of civil-Socirty. The needed Money for such Education and Culture are drained underround by Planned Politics.of Scams and Corruptions !
The the youth Socioety now DRUGGED so much by the Craze of COlonoal -Heritage and intoxication CRICKET -DRUG that Youth has neiither the age-old culture nor renewed vigor for MORAL growth. Their ideals are now KALMADI-MATCH-FIXING- CRICKET,2G-SCAM-ideals,QUICK-BUCKS by any means. for Who says they not fighting to get World Cup- Tickets ?
Where is the time to turn back, take up a moral stand. Of course S.D is the 1st Lady of Delhi and DELHI -Citizen is waiting for other Coming SCANDALS of DELHI,the city of Plunder and lust through out Centuries.
Delhi has for long time been known as HUMAN-JUNGLE of CANINE HABITS and Greed.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Came back to my Root
my Land of birth; -my Motherland
that was butchered twice
and I was a coward refugee boy and fled
to a larger ,safer
Mother's bleeding lap.

And , to day
I ,at sun-set life
look out and f-ind the vultures fly
the dead and melting Carcass lie
scattered every way
the foxes are free
even day-time
The hayenas are ruling the time
the scams , rape
scandals of Canine enriched life
polutes all breathing space !

Long after the swoon
I rise breathless with searching sigh
where am I !


Foxes are roaming the darkened field
hayenas howling free
Scmas , cprruptin and Cricket-drug
the Nations tallest trees.

Media -Sops like Sunami floods
and copy -cat MULI-wood
Dictates the terms of drowsy mass
Lust and lies - the food.

The king is naked but what to do
Entopy moving fast
where leaders are thieves and decieving guide
service, honesty are 'out-cast'.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Best Hope for India

For over 3-4 years I have been studying her face , the lady that you all know as Sushma swaraj. Being a physician ( with M.D) , an Artist (waste-wood Sculpture[Symphony in Wood], A poet, both in Bengali and English ,with blessings from Arani Banerjee, Ahibhishan Maik, Ranu Mookherjee , Birju Maharaj,Aayannadeva Angeri, A.S Pawar, Mrinal Sen and (for my poems) from Premendra Mitra , Maitreyee Devi, Subhash Mukopadhyaya, Jagyeswar Roy and so on .., I venture to say that I know some thing of Physiognomy and also inner info reflecting on Faces.
Any way, Sushna Swaraj has some divine tinge on her face (Devi -type). I wish I could go on sketching ( not Scratching) and painting her face to learn more about her inner Poise.
I can't fathom - why and how she decided to be a politician of present distoted- Age. Yet, she is so brilliant in her speeches and debate ( not making speeches from Speech-Writers' prints ). She is , perhaps a better debator than any I see on TV , in parliament or outside.
Some faces can change your decision on issue of joining Politics [like Singvi-Tiwari -Composite visual ].. .. Some faces seem 'mispace' in Politics,
But I wish Sushma Swaraj is the PM of India someday , representing al Parties, in some psychic way.