Tuesday, September 20, 2011

S O L I L O Q U Y.

Someone within me asked me -' For 16 years you were absent from Indian Stage '!
I replied ---'yes'
= Are you going to vote , next ELECTION ?
= NO, sorry !
=why not ?
= I wanted to vote some one for the post of PM; but the system doesnot permit me !
= Why ?
=In India, You cannot VOTE for the PM. It is not an ALL-INDIA Level of voting for PM.
PM's post is a selection -Grade or a post to be filled by the PARTY -BOSS or the
=So ! --what ?
= 'That what,' is, ---- he may not be the person of my choice but party Boss's
adapted son or some .--ne may be even duffer like me !
= So ! ?
= So, - I Cancel my desire to VOTE.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What is LIFE & LOVE ?

Realy ! what we are ? We the last Bipid living animal ife or more repected logo Bipid Homosapien , the extentension of last animal life with Expandig CONSCIOUSNESS extending beyond all barrier of nature unto or beyond all universes and exploring the Grand design. Now the physicist like early Phylosophers are raising questions not written in physics nor in Cosmology.

Schrodinger's book "what is ife' raised similar querry'.
" does a fish know any thing about the water within which it is iving throught life' - Einstein in 'Out of later years' Even a small fry like myself once wrote a poem ( published0 in WHERE DREAMS BEGIN ,while U.S.A titled Man tthe 'COSGMIC Biologic RObot"
A frog in the little pool is happier than us in the sense that it has neither the capacity nor the need to know any more than ,-eat and breed and be marry.
Man is like a one flower on the deser- Ocean casting fragrance all beyond without knowing --why or what for.
These are questions also integrated in our life , living and love for iving and also for existence and feeling for Unity and affection; and so.... !

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


INDIA HAS a few sports where She excells : One is Chess and where we are yet World Champion. But not being a POITICO -CORPORATE BUSINESS ENTERPRISE , it is less appealing .In my young days I learnt thet USSR(the-then) introduced it from School to National Level and USSR dominated on land and sky so much.
In india we had HOKEY also, where we were supreme once and it was talen in ,-in OLYMPIC games'.We lost the ground due to non-support at he base. Last report is :offering Rs 25000/==-----resulting upraor and Sport-Minister woke up from his Slumber.

And we inherted an IMERIAL - ORIGIN , COLONIALLY NURTURED Game called CRICKET that was known as (RICH)GENTLE-MAN's GAME to start with, only played by ENGLAND and her COLONIAL -Servants-NATIONS , then and now, becoming Famous with MATCH-FIXING_TECH. and with MAMMON - SPIRIT OF POLITICO-BUSINESS CORPORATE PARTICIPATION and with the help of LPL TO THE FRAGILE PRAK , even thinking of Bharat-Ratna ( to boost up Business).
And ---"HUMPTY-DUMPTY " HAD a GREAT FALL" On the lAND OF its Origin. And the MAFCH -FIXERS are WEEPING -DRENCHED! Does not Matter, - in the land os SCAMS it will survive- again and --sure.

Now my simple suggestion without SCAM - -SCOPE : Make KABADI not only the NATIONAL GAME but INTRODUCE it at a COULSORY SPORT with promise of employment, at all school Level and see the out- come at the end of 5 years; INDIA at least of "Have-nots" ,will have better HEALTH than even AMERICANs , if not like PATTHANS. And Great thing will be achieved without Strain on TREASURY and advantage to MONEY-SUCKERS!


SUIIDES IN IIT, INDIA : 7 students with billiant academic record Commit suicide ; HEAD LINES TO DAY Ch, : 55, india, kolkata, wednessday, sept. 14, 2011, 8 --30 pm
There was a time ( 1940 -50s), even if some boy/girl passed with 40 percent mark , there would be Joy and festive parties.
Now in INDIA , even scoring 95 to 97 percent marks, brilliant students fail to climb above 'Cut- out' marks in top colleges and the result ; SUICIDE.

EINSTEIN could not have climbed beyoyd this CUT-out marks of any of these College and his Academic recored was depressing to his Teachers and his Father who died a Sad father iving behind a son in faiures. He could be only a patent office clerk and failed in getting job even.( read: out of my ater Years -by Einstin). Donot know what would have been the outcome to CIVILLISATION, if he Committed SUICIDE( even he was thinking of it )'
But it is futile citing great examples. In this Age of RAT-RACE, even if you overcome and survive the ROLLER COSTER twist & speed of competitive living , even if you outlive your academic storms , you are destined to succeed with Bald head or depression, or heart -attacks or similar 'blessings' of SUCCESS !

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

MEMORY OF YOUNG LIFE ( 1955 - 60 )

I am now too much of an old man, to enjoy popular CIMEMA or even dicuss the big shows i saw , when young,or like talking about.
Now a days even Political Leaders thrive better with Metro-Station named after film stars like-; better I won't name any.. A few pictures rise in my mind,on memory lane , buble- up and burst;
Umttam Kumar's brother TARUN KUMAR was , always to me , a beteter actor ,
aad as luck means every thing in life and success, Uttam kumar had a vey good figure and FACE face and TARUN was no match against UTTAM.. Really ,UTTAM was really handsome and in those days only handsome and young facees had only chance to be hero in a fim. Because in those days, there was no G.B.S, in Bengal to tell what the word 'HERO' really mean in the field of real play and great story.
Those who have not seen ugley shape of Charles Laughton in Les MISERABLE or . Witness for the Prosecution, won't know what I mean to impress upon;
Any way, but- we had Tarun kumar a great actor but no director to notice his talent or a right script to choose..
But for Satyajit Roy, the great talent of Tulsi cchakravarty in PARAS PATHAR would never have been known. But , sadly , he was abused , mostly in CHEAP Comedies.

Coming to my Final Opinion ; Suchitra Sen was ever a better Actor than Uttam Kumar and it was she wwho guided him up to higher level of presentation in Mature age of acting .I told it even then but luckily I was not important then nor even now.
Concluding my reminiscence, I remember when in 1955/56 I came to CALCUTTA from DELHI on leave as a young Doctor in Service ,I Went to see "PTHER PANCHALEE" in BASU SREE HALL in SOUTH CALCUTTA with a friend. The Hall was more than half empty. Within 20 meters there was BIZALI showing a picture DASHYU MOHAN running and the Crowd there for booking was almost 2 furlong long covering even the MAIN ROAD and Police had to resort to Lathi Charge. ..... But , We both the friends ,saw the picture , forgot to speak to one another , walked out almost in Trance reached our separate destination.
I rememnext when I wrote from DELHI to my friend , Dr. Biplab BASU and captioned it as " a poem on Celluloid', he agreed and respoded with a coplement to it as a poetic utteranc !
Even for the next whole month there was no wave nor news nor uproar nor eloquoence in media world . And then , when .....the Kanes Festival declared its OPINION with a GOLD, Bengal woke up with follow up PRAISE, AND --all else is history !!

Monday, September 12, 2011


I know people or the siciety will designate it as SADISTIS Pleasure and I won't fight to diaprove, bu really, I feel , within me - pleased whenIDIANN CRICKET TEAM has lost this Season , one after the other and was displace from the No ! position in the World .
What ? Numer one In the World.- - - - - and what is the size of that world . The world made of only COLONIAL_commonWealth, these days. Well ! That World os not my World. CRICKET that is not recognised by OLYMPIC.No European country other than British Imoerial -then Feudal , Then Colonial LORd invrnted it, deveoped it. Now it is MATCH FIXING, PLITICIAN,BUSUNESS-Man nurtured Mass Expliting , manipulated Game , even some commentators re paid to keep up the heat and manouver the resuts.
In my whole life I have not even seen or followed one match.
And I don't think I am a LOSER.
CRICHET has Eaten Up milllion and Million od labour Hours in my young days (1950 -80) and now it is not a SPORT But a CORPORATE BUSINESS. Well now You can think of me as anything wasting your time only .

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



Clear the way
the hon'ble Minister coming
clear the way
yes the terrorist attack again on the Capital to day
we know, and are prepared for the worst
clear the way
the minister wants to see and sympathise
speech -writer has finished a draft
please. have patience
just clear the path
Know what the Leader said
'they are coward" even excuse them and so
we may even excuse them -if they allow us
you know , the value of "speech writer", friend
what ! - the relatives are angry -all ?
what business they have
alright ! that's right
but who have more sympathy than us
we want to serve you more
even beyond next Election day
please remember us to vote
now clear the path and let me go
for some Hospital , where injured are
have to symathacise their wound or the deads
just clear yhe way -
as we are on Casual leave
from the PARIAMENT
for bartaering our dream -with your faith , -today
just clear the way.